We help

Many animals in Bali are at a high risk of cruelty, especially the Bali dog. They are often poisoned, shot, neglected or abused. Daily they are dumped and left to die without water and food or left behind to suffer from diseases that they pass on to each other on the street, like parvovirus, scabies or rabies.
Balinese dogs are highly intelligent, unique and so grateful for any bit of love. They are at risk from indiscriminate cruelty and killing. Our goal at ioola has been protecting and funding these unfortunate animals with our own resources.
Along with your in-store purchase, you can also provide a contribution for the rescue of abandoned dogs. Ioola will distribute your donations to the non-governmental organisations or families that provide protection and care for abandoned dogs.
Every little bit of help counts and when it comes to animals it counts double.